Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Dannel Moran

Vice President
Michael Schijns


Deborah Cooke

Development Officer
Paul Iafolla

Maintenance Officer
Johny Wingert

Member At Large

Devon Vesey

Addressing the Board

According to our Bylaws (16, a), the Board may “meet together for the conduct of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit...”.

Owners may attend Board meetings by invitation only. We have established the following process for owners to address the Board at our meetings:

  1. An owner must first send the Board an email ( or hardcopy notice) explaining the particular issue to be raised.
  2. The Board must receive 14 days notice so that the item may appear on the agenda for the upcoming meeting.
  3. The Board will notify owners of their appointed time to arrive at the hall.

Please understand that in order to conduct the business of our condominium corporation effectively, we must adhere closely to the agendas for our meetings and must work within the given time constraints.